Message reactions, new Hoka payment options and more

Today’s update adds messages reactionsmore payment options for Hoka as well as pinned conversations and a lot more.

New payment options for Hoka

4 weeks ago we started a new service inside Dikalo and Mbuntu called Hoka. At core Hoka is an advertisement service. Helping businesses of all sizes advertise on our platform at a very small price. During out test phase we got feedback that it’s very complicated to buy Hoka credit. This is because buying via bank was the only option. With today’s update we are adding 3 new ways to buy our credit and we will add even more in the next days. Regardless of what channel you use to buy our credit, we will pay any extra fees back, so you only have to pay our 1% fee.

Message reactions

Dikalo and Mbuntu are about expressiveness. We want you to express yourself in all the way possible. Today we are making another step in that direction by adding message reactions. When you long press on a message you will a new entry in the context menu “Reactions”. This entry will help you add reactions to the given messages. Unlike other platforms reactions on Mbuntu are unlimited. You can use any type of reactions you like.

Pinned conversations

Some conversations are sometimes more important that others. You dont want to miss any part of it. Today we are adding the ability to pin a conversation at the top of the conversation list. Pinned conversation will not move until you unpin. Unlike other platforms you can have an unlimited number of pinned conversations.

And more …

We also fixed lots of bugs ana performance issues of our app as we are getting ready to get out of beta. With Mbuntu we aim to be the best messaging platform platform on african soil and every release is one step in the direction. Thank you all for your patience and we can’t wait to share what’s next.